Some other interesting contacts and links:
Protecting and defending civil liberties and civil
rights in Colorado.
This web site is produced by the University of Michigan and
contains an extensive research library. If you need to learn something new, this web site
is the place to browse.
Interested in learning about internet security, junk mail,
or telemarketing calls? Maybe you want some pointers on how you can reduce the number of
unwanted calls you recieve or maybe your just interested in knowing what lists you might
be on. This web site contains exhaustive information about "Junk Messages". Pull
up a chair, get a soda and prepare for information overload! You will be amazed by how
much personal information there is about you and where it resides.
This web site is full of interesting art collections
including paintings, sculpture, and decrative arts from various places in the world. This
web site is laid out quite nicely and is easy to browse.
This is a worldwide "yellow pages". You can find
anything from restruants, real estate companies, pets, etc. Take a look if you need to
purchase products or services.
This page is currently under construction - check
back often to find new and updated links or email us at info@cisconline.com with link information that you
would like to see here. Describe why you like the site you are suggesting and we
will post your link as soon as we can.
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